The School of Dance

The School of Dance Policies and Procedures

Merrilee Hodgins A.R.A.D., Artistic Director.


Policies and Procedures

The School of Dance Policies and Procedures
Our Commitment to Accessibility

The School of Dance is committed to excellence in serving all members of the community, including people with disabilities. If you have a disability, you may have certain requirements to help you to access The School's programmes.  Here are some of the ways we are doing our best to accommodate your needs:

Assistive Devices

We will ensure that our staff members are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used to access our services. Please inform us of your special needs.


We will communicate with you in a way that takes into account your personal circumstances and physical challenges.  If you require a special service, please speak with us to make arrangements for us to accommodate your specific needs.

Service Animals

If you use a service animal, they are welcome in The School's publicly accessible areas.

Support Persons

Support persons are welcome to accompany you.  Please note that we may require support workers to sign a confidentiality agreement to protect your information.

Training for Staff

The School of Dance will provide accessibility training to all new employees within 6 months of being hired.  Training will be refreshed annually for our support staff, as well as personnel responsible for developing our policies and procedures.  Consultants, agents and other parties contracted by The School of Dance will receive training on an as-needed basis based on their programme involvement. Our Accessibility Training will include:

  1. An overview of the purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the Customer Service Standard
  2. The School of Dance plan related to the Customer Service Standard
  3. How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
  4. How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or support person
  5. What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing The School's programmes.

Staff will also be trained when changes are made to our plan.

Notice of Temporary Disruption

Should a planned or unexpected service disruption occur, we will do our best to notify you promptly by telephone, posting notices at the location where the disruption has occurred, as well as posting a message on our website. Our clearly posted notices will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.

Feedback Process

If you'd like to provide feedback to The School of Dance, regarding our services and accessibility, please contact the Artistic Director of The School.


The School of Dance is committed to protecting personal information by following responsible information handling practices, in keeping with privacy laws. We collect and use personal data in order to better meet your service needs, to ensure the safety of our participants, for statistical purposes, to inform you about The School of Dance programme or service in which you are registered, to complete payment transactions and to satisfy government and regulatory obligations. You may also hear from us periodically about other The School of Dance programmes, services and opportunities that may interest and benefit you. We do not rent, sell or trade our mailing lists. If you wish to be removed from our email or mailing list, please contact The School's Administration at any time.

Conditions of Enrolment

  1. All registration forms must be signed and dated in order to be eligible to take part in classes.
  2. Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Waiver must be signed and dated in order to be eligible to take part in in-person classes.
  3. Teachers and schedules are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances
  4. There are no refunds except in the case of cancellation due to insufficient registration.
  6. Adult Division: Make-up classes can be arranged within a current term in a class at or below the student’s level; please contact the office to arrange a make-up class. Make-up classes cannot be carried forward into a new term.
  7. Drop-in classes are not available at this time.
  8. There is a $20 registration fee payable on the initial registration in each school year.
  9. The School of Dance will contact the registrant to confirm registration, residence and communication details.
  10. Fees for the course selected are due in full at the time of registration.
  11. The School accepts payments by VISA, Mastercard, AMEX, cheques, money-orders, and Debit is available through office.
  12. Monies returned from the bank for any reason are subject to a $50 administration charge.
  13. Registration is not transferable.
  14. Registration is by the term(s) or project and registration ends August 31 each TSOD season.
  15. The use of digital recording devices inside of The School, including cell phones with cameras and video capability, is strictly prohibited at all times.
  16. The School reserves the right to ask disruptive individuals to leave the premises and/or not to serve a customer.
  17. The School of Dance is not responsible for students before and after class nor responsible for lost items.
  18. I consent to the use of archival photographs and/or video footage of me/my student as part of the image bank and marketing of The School of Dance.