The School of Dance

Merrilee Hodgins A.R.A.D., Artistic Director.


Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign and The School of Dance

It is through the generosity and thoughtfulness of our many donors that The School of Dance, a registered Canadian charity, is able to accomplish our mission to foster education in the art of dance and to reach out into the community with programmes such as our special projects for learners with Down syndrome, the elderly and long-term hospital residents.

There are many ways to support The School of Dance. The School accepts gifts in the form of cash, cheques, credit card payments, publicly traded securities, and in-kind gifts. Recent in-kind gifts have included an automobile, a piano, silver service, antiques, fine jewellery, artwork. Sales receipts or valuations of the item being donated are necessary to complete the process and then The School either uses the gifts or sells them. Donors of in-kind gifts promptly receive a tax receipt for the assessed value of the item.

For more information contact The School of Dance.

Those of you who work in the government and make donations to the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC), might be interested to learn that your gift can be directed to The School of Dance! If you decide to direct your donation to The School of Dance there is one simple thing to do on the GCWCC donation form in the section ‘Other Canadian Registered Charities’... simply search ‘The School of Dance Pre-Professional Programme’ or enter our charitable number: 119253391RR0001.

You can also make an online donation to The School of Dance on the secure CanadaHelps website by simply following their instructions. Your credit card will be debited and you will receive your receipt from CanadaHelps. We will advise you once the donation has been received.

If you feel comfortable passing on this information to your friends, families and colleagues within the government and beyond, The School would be most appreciative!

Your acknowledgement of the value of the work done by The School of Dance, be it in the form of a donation or by spreading the word about our programmes, means a great deal to all of us here at The School of Dance.

For more information contact The School of Dance